Mrs. Bo´s Cookbook

by Isabelle Bodenseh

15.00 incl. VAT (MwSt.)

Powerful revival of the sound of the 60/70ies with unusual instrumentation.

Product Description

Isabelle Bodenseh – Flöte
Lorenzo Petrocca – Gitarre
Thomas Bauser – Hammond Orgel
Lars Binder – Schlagzeug


ITS A PIECE OF CAKE! [5.53] I. Bodenseh
ONE FOR ROSE [5.05] P. Martino
EIGHT BARS OF BEAUTY [5.35] L. Petrocca
BATIDA DIFERENTE [4.49] D. Ferreira /M. Einhorn
A BIENTOT [4.56] I. Bodenseh
JUST FOR FUNK(Y) [4.55] L. Petrocca
DJANGO [9.18] J. Lewis
FLUTE SONG [6.01] D. Matthews
LUISA [6.03] L. Binder
POW, BOOM & BAM (FÜR JEAN-LUC) [5.59] I. Bodenseh
SICILY [6.09] C. Corea

Also available by Isabelle Bodenseh

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